October 21, 2007

Lawrence Jazz Fusion Griup

Lawrence Jazz Fusion Griup
Jazz Fusion

Lawrence Tsui, Tracy Cheuk, Ben Lo, Wilson Lam
10:30pm Saturday, October 20, 2007
Fringe Gallery

Lawrence Tsui on drums, Tracy Cheuk on keyboard, Ben Lo on bass and Wilson Lam on guitar.

打鼓Lawrence Tsui、琴鍵手Tracy Cheuk、低音結他Ben Lo及結他 Wilson Lam。

即使音樂門外漢如我,雖然不懂分辨到底JAZZ MUSIC有些甚麼類別,但也能被現場的演奏氣氛及演出者的全情投入而感染。其中最精彩的莫過於,樂隊加入另一些有豐富音樂經驗的音樂人JAM歌,SO TOUCHING。

或者,因為我是個納悶的山羊座女生,我還未對METAL, R&B, RAP歌等有任何鑒賞的能力, JAZZ MUSIC對我來說, 是比較易於感受當中的情感演繹。

雖然不是甚麼著名的樂隊, 但花數十元就可以享受有HEART的現場演出, 還要包一杯飲品, 仲想點先!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear 穿39號鞋的大頭女子:

Thank you for your comment, and I found your words coincidentially. I'm so glad that you like the music, actually the lineup was different from original because some of them are not available on that night. The bass player is Dylan from Sri-Lanka, the sax. player is Miles Li. The Guitarist is Wilson. I hope I could see you again in some of music events. Thank you for you support and all your words.

Lawrence Tsui
E-mail: lawrence_drum@yahoo.com.hk